Welcome to the ASSURED expert interview series, in which we are talking about the future of security in next-generation smart connectivity systems comprising heterogeneous IoT and other types of cyber-physical systems.
The fifth expert interview, conducted in September 2022, features Nikos Drosos, from Space Hellas, a dynamic company in the high technology arena, which leads ASSURED’s use case on digital security of smart satellite communications.
ASSURED can help to reduce the costs associated with achieving the necessary level of security in satellite communications.
During the interview, Nikos described the most pressing topic in cybersecurity research that ASSURED is attempting to solve, as well as how the integration of ASSURED security solutions in a safety-critical application domain such as satellite constellations is carried out. He explained the philosophy behind integrating trusted computing, attestation services and how such decentralized roots-of-trust – offered by ASSURED – can help safeguard data communication between satellites.
“Through the research work we perform in ASSURED we aim to tackle the main challenges in this domain and to further support the security of everyday operations of these devices and successful delivery of services for their mission applications. In this way, by serving the different needs for various applications, spanning from commercial, telecommunication purposes up to mission applications with higher security requirements, such as for military purposes, ASSURED can have a direct positive impact and we can contribute to lowering the costs of achieving the desired level of security for the mission applications that are currently under implementation”, said Nikos.
Nikos Drosos, holds a BSc in management science and technology (with specialization in information systems) and an MSc in information systems (with specialization in Security of information systems), both from the Athens University of Economics and Business. Within ASSURED among other contributions, he is WP6 leader and Smart Satellites communications use case.
Watch the full interview to learn more.
Stay tuned to hear from other ASSURED experts.