Welcome to the ASSURED expert interview series, in which we are talking about the future of security in next-generation smart connectivity systems comprising heterogeneous IoT and other types of cyber-physical systems.
The fourth expert interview, conducted in July 2022, featured Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi from the System Security Lab at TU Darmstadt, one of the key technical contributors to ASSURED leading the project’s remote attestation efforts. Ahmad and his team are involved in the development of novel sophisticated attestation methods and schemes that allow remote entities to verify the integrity of connected Systems of Systems (SoS). In the context of ASSURED, a major area of innovation that Ahmad’s team is actively researching, is run-time and behaviour attestation of devices and IT systems.
During the interview, Ahmad walked us through the most urgent problems in cybersecurity research addressed by ASSURED, the philosophy behind trusted computing, attestation services, and the position of control-flow attestation, the concept of sustainable security, as well as the challenges faced by the ASSURED consortium in the first half of the project.
Watch the full interview to learn more.