The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), founded in 1829, is one of the largest universities devoted to technical subjects in Scandinavia, with over 900 research staff and 6000 students. DTU is participating in ASSURED through the Cyber Security Section which conducts research and teaching in most aspects of computer and information security.
In the context of ASSURED, DTU is undertaking the role of both project and scientific coordinator. As project coordinator, DTU will perform the overall project and consortium management. Therefore, it will be responsible for reporting, controlling and assessment of the project progress. DTU’s experience is derived from the coordination of a number of large international collaborative projects with volumes from 3 to 20 million EUR.
In relation to the project, DTU brings internationally visible research in several key areas including hardware security, cryptographic algorithms, attestation mechanisms for trusted computing and formal analysis of security protocols. Prior experience of the key participants include funded projects in areas that are closely related not only to the key research vision of ASSURED, towards trustworthy ICT supply chains, but also to the envisioned use cases.
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